Friday 24 October 2014

Good bye home and hello Costa Rica

Leaving home was very difficult. Our emotions were high as we said good bye to friends throughout the week and family on our last day. To add to our normal grief of being separated from loved ones for a time, we said goodbye to my dear grandpa, knowing it would be our last time seeing him on earth. Grandpa was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer a week before we left. I can not explain the depth of our sorrow but cling to his last words 'go in my love'. So with little sleep we flew to Costa Rica where we were kindly picked up by my friend from Capernwray Bible College, Marcia. We were given our own house to stay in and treated royally by her family. On our first day she took us to see Volcan Poas which is currently active. These past few days we have caught up on sleep, enjoyed typical Costa Rican food and precious times with our friends Marcia and Fernando.


  1. It sounds like it's been an emotional roller coaster already, Chantal...hugs to you. I love hearing that you have arrived safely and are being taken care of. Visiting an active volcano would be a very cool experience! I look forward to hearing more about your journey...stay safe!

  2. That does sound exhausting. Glad to hear you are resting while enjoying your time. What cool photos!! And who knew you had friends in Costa Rica!? Enjoy your time with them being spoiled. What a treat!
