Sunday 4 January 2015

A Feliz Navidad on Popoyo Beach

Travis had told me many times that Christmas in another country would not feel much like Christmas at all (from his Christmas away in New Zealand) and although I tried to grasp what he was saying, I had no experiences of my own to prepare me. And then it happened... It was nearly impossible to believe it was Christmas time as we traveled in the sweaty, dusty taxi from Rivas to Popoyo beach. I closed my eyes for a moment and pictured what everyone would be doing at home and the holiday hustle and bustle. In that moment I missed seeing everyone at home that I love and hold dear, but I didn't feel like I was missing out on any Christmas activities as my mind couldn't quite fathom being anywhere else than where I was right now. That moment is when I understood what Travis had been talking about. We love our families and have many great people in our lives at home, but the scenery and intrigue right in front of us was too intoxicating to allow ourselves to get wrapped up in what was going on at home.  

When we arrived in Popoyo we quickly met up with our Swiss friends again at our beach front hostel and stood in awe of the beautiful scene before us; gorgeous blonde sand, large playful waves and hardly anyone in sight (not quite the same scene as home). At first the waves made me nervous to go in but eventually I made my way out with Travis's encouragement. The hostel we were staying in left a lot to be desired. Our room came with two single beds, so sharing a bed for Christmas was out of the picture, but our biggest adjustment was finding out they didn't have any fresh water for showering, so salty became the new clean. 

The morning of Christmas Eve Michelle (Swiss friend) and I went for a barefoot run on the beach, talking as we ran in the cool ocean breeze brought me Christmas joy. During our run together I was able to share my faith and encourage Michelle to seek her own and in doing so I instantly felt that this was exactly where I was supposed to be. Our time with our Swiss friends was short lived as they moved on later that day, however this allowed for more time with new friends which now includes two great guys from Sweden, a girl from the U.S. and a fantastic Irishman. With everyone away from home and yet happy to be at the beach we all kept each other company, laughing and talking until midnight. At which point the hostel staff set of a few weak fireworks in the sand and everyone went around hugging and wishing each other a "Feliz Navidad", even the armed security guard with his loaded mossberg shotgun slung over his shoulder!

Christmas morning we all walked down the road to our favourite breakfast place where we had a special meal; scrambled eggs with ham and hash browns. The day proceeded as it normally does on a perfect beach; jumping in the waves, swinging in the hammocks and watching the sunset. With no stores around it was easy to follow through on our rules of spending no money and adding nothing to our packs as gifts. Travis gave me a beautiful gift through words that made my heart smile and I made him a picture in the sand with seashells which he said was the best gift he's ever received. The day was capped off as we read the Bibles account of the birth of Jesus Christ, filling our hearts with gratitude and love.

While at the beach we took a surfing lesson from a very chill kiwi. After gaining knowledge of waves and currents, followed by dryland practice it was go time. We carried our boards down the beach and into the white water. It was incredible to feel the power of the waves pushing me as I stood gliding across the water, even if it was just for a few moments before falling in. Thankfully, we both stood up on the board a number of times and it definitely piqued my interest enough to want more. Finally, it was time to say good bye to our Christmas home, grateful for our time there and excited for a fresh water shower in Granada.





1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, we missed you so much at Christmas ! however it was great to know what a unique Christmas you both were sharing....creating memories of a life time ! love your WARM pictures on the blessed
