Tuesday 27 January 2015


Hola Amigos!

We would like to thank you for your patience as you've had to wait quite a while for us to post a new entry. Even though I have been writting about each location shortly after we move on we have lacked adequate internet services to post recently. Also lately, more than ever, we have got caught up in the moment and have lost track of time. Thirdly, and this is something you may not know, I will not post unless the blog entry has been carefully reviewed by my beloved Editor and Esposo (husband), Travis.

It has been an incredible experience for me to reflect and journal our travels. However, the entries are not my own, each one Travis has infused his experiences and perceptions as well and I am so grateful he has. His grammar and punctuation skills exceed my own and he is able to see what I'm trying to say and enhance it each time so that our posts clearly convey our experiences (hopefully). This joint effort has added to our own reflections of our journey as we do our best to share with you from our heart the joys and trials of backpacking. I am so thankful for Travis's help, his way with words and excellent editorial skills have greatly added to this blog. Each entry takes us about 2.5 hours combined and we hope you continue to enjoy reading about our travels as we are now passed the half way point and on the home stretch, flying out of Mexico on April 1, 2015! 

Also, we apologize for your inability to comment on our posts as our settings were improperly adjusted at the beginning. Recently, we changed them so anyone can comment now and we would love to hear from you! Also, check in regularly this week as we will be posting often to catch you up to speed with where we are now. 

Chantal ... And Travis



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